Editorial services

Proofreading and correction

Send us your texts for a language scan to ensure that they are written in error-free English or to give them added sparkle prior to publication:

  • Proofreading and correction of original documents or translations in English: spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting.
  • Revision to improve style, coherence and intelligibility. We can reformulate and enrich the vocabulary of your text without changing its core characteristics.



Service - Proofreading and correction
Service - Document authoring

Document authoring

Do you need texts written by a professional? Azimut Translations can also create original texts in English for all your printed or online documents: websites, newsletters, blog articles, posts on social networks, magazines, brochures, press releases, invitations – you name it.

We will take your communication goals on board and adapt the texts according to your target audiences and publication media. What’s more, we use best natural SEO practices for better positioning online.


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